Saturday, August 10, 2013

Submarine cable

NSW, a subsidiary of General Cable - Application for Offshore and Submarine industry (Oil & Gas - Wind Offshore)

Telecommunication Cable:
  1. Submarine
  2. Offshore
Power Cable:
  1. Submarine Power Cable 
  2. Winding Cable
Cables Examples:

Offshore Cable

Submarine Cable Power

Umbilical Cable

SCADA IDbox (Great applications for all industries)

New SCADA IDbox with applications in all kind of industries (See live Demo)

with partners:
Neolant (Russian - Oil & Gas Industry):
Tersys (Russian - Automation Industry )
Ensa (Spanish - Nuclear Industry)
Indra (Spanish - IT Infrastructure Industry)

Synoptic exemples:

Electric Substation

Nuclear Reactor

Oil Extraction 
 Oil Tank 
 Thermo Solar Power (Parabolic)