Friday, June 28, 2013

Cybersecurity in Critical Infraestructure

BIA's: Business Impact Analysis in Power Plant (regarding all points concern the Plant) .

Regarding IT Systems:
Security Auditories:

  1. Studying of Network and Systems:
    1. Footprinting by Nmap for identifying Network System and Ports.
    2. Host Scanning: Nmap Host Scanning / Nmap Port Scanning
  2. Identification of OS and Application
    1. Fingerprinting
  3. Vulnerabilities by Nessus
**** All test has to be done in a Virtual System ***

More information in CNPIC: Centro Nacional Protección Infraestructuras Críticas

Intgration of Renewable Energies with high intermittency

The Power Generation by Renewable Energies integrated in Electric Grid is increasing day by day.
Therefore, the Utilities are demanding more accurate Control of the Generation Plant:
-MTR (Minimal Technical Requirements) in the POI (Point of Interconection):
- Access for the Utility interconection with the Plant, for knowing in every moment what is the situation, in terms of generation (Quality of Wave, assurance MTR) and the possibility for disconnection of the Plant, which can get serious damages for the complete Electric System, making a variation of the frequency in the Complete Electric System.
- Necessity for stablishing a PPC (Power Plant Controller) for getting the control of the plant, in terms of Voltage, Current and Power, having in consideration next points for non getting a disconnection of the Plant:

  1. Issues coming from the Electric Network: *LVRT (Low Voltage Ride Through),  HVRT (High  Voltage Ride Through) and ZVRT (Zero Voltage Ride Through). This Issues can affect the connectivity of the Plant if the Issues are greater than a determinated time.
  2. Power Control: Curtailment (Limitation of Power) and Ramp Rate (Variation of Geneation depending Wind or Sun).
For controlling all points commented it is necessary systems (software) which gives the possibility for controlling the plant, and not only for monitoring.

*LVRT (Low Voltage Ride Through): especially in Wind and PV farms, it is the ability to operate at low voltage levels, in terms of grid voltage supplying. It happens the same situation in big computer centers (Datacenter etc) which in cases of emergency (outages) are using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

Considering this low voltage operation (LVRT) in Wind and PV farms, it has the possibility to induce in the disconnection of the one complete Wind Farm and at the same time, it is able to induce one serious issue in the Operation of the Electric System, because the disconnection, it is able to induce in cascade (cascading failure) the disconnection of other wind and PV farms due to low voltage. 

PS: Consider forecasting systems of energy yield in Wind and PV Farm more necessary such as minimum condition, in terms of information, in point of interconnection in future, even being one condition in some states.

Figure 1_ Example of Wind Turbine in Tarragona_source: Javier Sanchez Rios

V KNX Congres in Barcelona (La Salle University)

Last 26th & 27th June V KNX Congres in Barcelona in La Salle University.

KNX: The Standard for Domotics/Inmotics.

KNX: Garantees Interoperability & Interworking of Products.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Seminar software Energy Management Circutor_ Power Studio, Power Studio SCADA & Power Studio SCADA Deluxe

Circutor Seminar on 30th May in Circutor Headquarter in Viladecavalls (Barcelona)

Software for Energy Management by Circutor:
Power Studio SCADA Deluxe:
- Integration of all kind of metering (water & gas)
- Billing and energy analysing
- Possibility for extracting data in excel by a ".csv" document
- XML Server for a Remote Control (Editor)
- Modbus TCP and RTU (possibility for integrating different devices from Circutor by a different Gangway)
- Integration to OPC Server (necessity to stay integrated the motor and Server in the same PC), editor can            by allocated in other PC

3 - E Houses: ICT solutions for Energy Effiency in Residential Buildings

3 - E Houses Conference:  22th and 23rd May in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

Implementation of three test in different residential buildings in Spain, Germany and UK for Energy Management where some companies implement their technology for implementing technologies in diverse pilots.