Monday, January 6, 2014

Consequence of High Generation of Wind Energy by windstorm in Spanish Electric Market

I would like to show with some grafics the consequence when there is a great production of Wind Energy in Mix generation in the Spanish Electric Market.

Yesterday, 5th January 2014, the price of the Electricity made one record in the last 8 month.
Last 19th December, the price was 61.38€ MWh, issue which made cancel the auction by the Industry Ministerium "Ministerio de Industria", because the regulation responsable council for the Competence (CNE: Comisión Nacional de la Competencia) consider there was something strange with the high price.

Yesterday, 5th January 2014 the price of Electricity was 4.99€ MWh, one record of low price since 28th April 2013, which the price was 3.91€ MWh.
I would like to show the example of generation during last windstorm of this last three days in Atlantic and Cantabric Spanish Coast, showing by grafics the production.

 Grafics from:
-Wind Energy Production by:  REE (Red Eléctrica de España) webside:
- Price of Electricity by Omel: (Operador del Mercado Eléctrico) website:

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