Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Endesa's new bidirectional charging Point Halve Charging/Discharging time

Endesa has developed their firs V2G (Vehicle to Grid) CHAdeMO EV Charger

The systems offers the possibility to charge the EV and also to integrate the electricity into the Electric Grid from a EV.

It seems the Utility companies think in a EV charger with integrate electricity technology. From that point it gets a lot of question by my side.

First of all, how will be the data network infrastructure for controlling all this EV charge points, for knowing demand response, for the forecasting of generation by Utility or Electric System Operator. I think it is not possible only with Ethernet cable or optic fiber, I consider very expensive with the high number of points in the future, but it will be a challenge. Why, because there is no possibility to use only one physical layer or system. I think wireless will be great in a open parkings like you can see on picture, but what is going to hapen in underground parkings, may be solution it will be PLC (Power Line Communication) and may be other possibilities, but of course the complexity for managing all the complete system in future with thausend of this EV charger in the cities, it will be a challenge.

What is great would be the possibilities and the complexity for the total integration of the control for all this EV charger the day of tomorrow. It is clear if the Utilities spend more resources in a more complex EV charger, with possibility to integrate electricity, it has one, or more, reasons. May be the possibility for integrating this electricity from the EV to the Grid in case of emergency, in case of, for whatever situation, meterological or "others" situation which can be a complex situation for the Utility's Customer, or get a dangerous situation for the Critical Infraestructure and it is necessary electricity resources. In the most of cases, the main generation for supplying cities are not close to this cities, then whatever problem in the transport Power lines or any substation in the city and create those issues.

Then, this EV charge with possibility to integrate electricity is going to give respons in that cases, with the integration of the electricity from the EV to the grid. May be  it seems not available, but with the high number of EV can be parked in the future "Smart Cities", why not can be a solution for any issue of Power Supply coming from the Utilities, Critical Infrastructure or transportation.

The challenge it will be Network Infrastructure for controlling all this EV charge with electric integration.

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