Monday, December 16, 2013

Robotics for optimazing Renewable Energies O&M

In one Renewable Energy Plant, the cash flow generated by selling the electricity produced is mostly the ROI (indifferent if it is by Feed-in-Tariff or by PPA contract).

From this electricity produced we have to make the reduction of O&M. Right now, there are some innovative systems to reduce the cost of this O&M process. In internet, there is the possibility to find helicopters which gets a thermographic camera to check the state of connectors and panels. At the same time, there is the possibility for getting systems which are able to clean the PV panels. In wind farms there is a device which analyze by a microwave scanner the material composition of the blades.

From the points mentioned in the first two paragraphs, we also know there is a great advance in the robotic engineering, is well known the ASIMO from Honda which can bring a cup of tea and let it on the table. Another example is the high technology of the robots of the detonation of explosives  which are working time ago.
My proposal, as an occurrence after watching, some days ago, the devices used after landing of the "CHINA SPACE" agency in the Moon, is simple. Of course I am not an expert in the O&M of the Renewable Energy industry for knowing the top subjects for O&M for every kind of technology, but for sure, may be, there is a common points in mostly cases.

The proposal would be the possibility for creating  an automatic systems which would be able to optimize the process of O&M in the Renewable Energies.
As a example, it would be possible a robot which makes the O&M in one PV Plant, I am not an expert but, one system which would be able to be controlled remotely for making the basic operations; reviewing with a thermographic camera the panels and connections, has the possibility for changing any fuse or control board in the combiner boxes. This system, at the same time can make the security control of the plant with some incorporated cameras, moving by the Plant controlling possible not authorized access. Why not, also being a meteorological station, a camera for getting a view of the state of the sky in the plant, and of course, considering, the energy of the system is taken by the PV Plant. Even, there is the possibility for making any transportation to other plants optimizing the device in case the investor has more than one plant.

On the other hand, I don't know if we can make any similar proposal for Wind Energy Farms, making in the onshore case, a similar device to travel from every wind turbine, access to every tower and get on the lift to the nacelle and review the most important points. Of course, if there is an study of the main O&M points of the Wind turbine, there is the possibility for optimizing the device for being able to make the most important actions. And, why not the same situation for offshore Wind Farms, which the helicopter used in the example but just adapted with the capacity for moving this device from every wind turbine in the offshore farm and also, keeping this helicopter in the primary substation center with an small wind turbine for its supplying. May be aslo a submarine for controlling the state of the wind turbine bases.

May be, there is no sense what I am saying, but I think the only way for getting any future to the PV Energy, 
it is optimizing the cost. Right now, as a example, in Spain PV profit is almost 4 times lower than Wind Energy.

It would be one company investing in a device which at the end it would be for all plants and then optimizing the investment of the design and production of this device and of course giving a benefit to the O&M responsible, and getting the properly ROI to continue considering PV Energy as a profit business.

It would be very greatefull to receive inputs regarding the information exposed

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