Monday, December 2, 2013

Octocopter Amanzon: A Revolution in Logistic Industry

Amazon presents the revolutionary new way for shiping low weight package from bulk point to final user.

The revolutionary system can deliver packaging even in 30 minuts from the last bulk point in the supply chain to the end consumer. Of course, the system works with electric motors.

If this systems are working with electric motors, and then with electric batteries, of course, with the high number of devices "flying" every day for our skies, companies like Amazon is going to use Renewable Enegies for reducing the cost of operation.

It will be the first time, one logistic process will use electricity for shiping, the owner of Amazon knows with this implementation the cost of electricity it will be almost 0 (only the cost of O&M of the Farm and the "Octocopter") after the ROI of the PV or Wind Farm.

Of course, this new application will reduce and make a revolution on the logistic industry which the possibility for being implemented in thousend of applications, all of them supplies by electricity coming from Sun or Wind, cost 0 in raw material.

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