Friday, December 13, 2013

Spanish Justice Resolution: Economic Hole in the Electric System must be paid by Utilities

Today 13th December 2013, the Spanish Justice rules:

 The hole of more than 26.000 M€ must be paid by the 5 most important Utilities in Spain: Endesa, Gas Natural Fenosa, Iberdrola, E.ON and HC (Hidrocantabrico).

This hole is a product of; the incoming of the complete management of the Electric System are lower than the cost.
In this complete systems is; the REE (Red Eléctrica de España), the Electric System Operator with the Transmission System, the 5 most important Utilities for the Distribution System, enunciated on the Top, and the Feed in Tarif for the Renewable Energies.
(For more technical details, please visit in the Blog: Australia stares down an Electricity "Death Spiral"

This Judgement Resolution makes a point of inflexion in the Spanish Electric Market, because the Utilities are not going to make any investment in the Spanish Electric System in the next years and in consequence, the end customer will suffer time by time more difficulties in the Electrical Supply.

I don't know what is the point of view of the Electric Systems suppliers, if there was any hope for increasing expectatives for 2014 in the Power Systems, may be it is too late but, I think it is moment for making "adjustements" in the Profit Plant of 2014, and may be increasing UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) portfolio...

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