Tuesday, December 24, 2013

2013 Draws to a Close: Clean Energy Scorecard

2013 was a momentous year for the clean energy industries, markets and consumers. Here are some highlights worth noting.

In fact 2013, was the first time in history renewable sources created more NEW electricity than any other resource

Renewable sources now account for nearly 16% of total installed U.S. operating generating capacity:  water - 8.30 percent, wind - 5.21 percent, biomass - 1.32 percent, solar - 0.59 percent, and geothermal steam - 0.33 percent. This is more than nuclear (9.22%) and oil (4.06%) combined. 

Solar installations are surging in the USA. Think progress recently reported on the US solar industry’s growth, “2013 is likely to be the first time in more than 15 years that the U.S. installs more solar capacity than world leader Germany.

GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association have informed, by the end of the year, more than 400,000 solar projects will be operating across the U.S. and installations will have grown 27 percent over 2012, with a 52 percent growth rate in the residential sector alone, according to GTM’s forecast.”

The first marine energy connection to the USA utility grid. Ocean Renewable Power Company, which after five years of planning, installed an underwater turbine 2,200 feet from the Maine shore.

Concentrated solar is on the path to over 1.3 GW of new U.S. generation with Ivanpah and Solana now on-line and two more bring built in 2013. Both solar generation plants have 11 hours of storage for evening generation.

Geothermal also heating up. As of August 2013, 11,765 megawatts of (gross) geothermal power are operating globally in addition to several hundred MW in the final stages of construction. By the end of 2013 the global geothermal market is expected to reach 12,000 MW of geothermal capacity. By the end of the decade with several hundred MW of new geothermal power becoming operation per year. In 2013, some of the first demostration enhanced geothermal system (EGS) projects provided electricity to grids in Australia and the U.S.

California leads the states notably for “on bill” financing energy efficiency and renewable energy, and in September becoming the first state to mandate electricity storage on the grid. Not to be seen as weak-kneed, the state PUC set a 1.3-GW mandate for energy storage on the grid by 2020. Battery technologies are in an upswing, as is pumped hydropower, and compressed storage.

Other key findings of the poll include: The percentage of Americans who agree there is solid evidence of a changing climate has steadily increased since 2010. The Duke poll found 50 percent of Americans are convinced the climate is changing and another 34 percent say it is probably changing; this is an increase from other recent polls. 54 percent feel climate change is primarily the result of human activity (the highest level in the past couple of years).

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently concluded, “Renewable energy sources could account for nearly half of the increase in global power generation through 2035," according to its 2013 edition of the World Energy Outlook. "Wind energy and solar energy could make up 45 percent of that expansion in renewables,” the report said.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Robotics for optimazing Renewable Energies O&M

In one Renewable Energy Plant, the cash flow generated by selling the electricity produced is mostly the ROI (indifferent if it is by Feed-in-Tariff or by PPA contract).

From this electricity produced we have to make the reduction of O&M. Right now, there are some innovative systems to reduce the cost of this O&M process. In internet, there is the possibility to find helicopters which gets a thermographic camera to check the state of connectors and panels. At the same time, there is the possibility for getting systems which are able to clean the PV panels. In wind farms there is a device which analyze by a microwave scanner the material composition of the blades.

From the points mentioned in the first two paragraphs, we also know there is a great advance in the robotic engineering, is well known the ASIMO from Honda which can bring a cup of tea and let it on the table. Another example is the high technology of the robots of the detonation of explosives  which are working time ago.
My proposal, as an occurrence after watching, some days ago, the devices used after landing of the "CHINA SPACE" agency in the Moon, is simple. Of course I am not an expert in the O&M of the Renewable Energy industry for knowing the top subjects for O&M for every kind of technology, but for sure, may be, there is a common points in mostly cases.

The proposal would be the possibility for creating  an automatic systems which would be able to optimize the process of O&M in the Renewable Energies.
As a example, it would be possible a robot which makes the O&M in one PV Plant, I am not an expert but, one system which would be able to be controlled remotely for making the basic operations; reviewing with a thermographic camera the panels and connections, has the possibility for changing any fuse or control board in the combiner boxes. This system, at the same time can make the security control of the plant with some incorporated cameras, moving by the Plant controlling possible not authorized access. Why not, also being a meteorological station, a camera for getting a view of the state of the sky in the plant, and of course, considering, the energy of the system is taken by the PV Plant. Even, there is the possibility for making any transportation to other plants optimizing the device in case the investor has more than one plant.

On the other hand, I don't know if we can make any similar proposal for Wind Energy Farms, making in the onshore case, a similar device to travel from every wind turbine, access to every tower and get on the lift to the nacelle and review the most important points. Of course, if there is an study of the main O&M points of the Wind turbine, there is the possibility for optimizing the device for being able to make the most important actions. And, why not the same situation for offshore Wind Farms, which the helicopter used in the example but just adapted with the capacity for moving this device from every wind turbine in the offshore farm and also, keeping this helicopter in the primary substation center with an small wind turbine for its supplying. May be aslo a submarine for controlling the state of the wind turbine bases.

May be, there is no sense what I am saying, but I think the only way for getting any future to the PV Energy, 
it is optimizing the cost. Right now, as a example, in Spain PV profit is almost 4 times lower than Wind Energy.

It would be one company investing in a device which at the end it would be for all plants and then optimizing the investment of the design and production of this device and of course giving a benefit to the O&M responsible, and getting the properly ROI to continue considering PV Energy as a profit business.

It would be very greatefull to receive inputs regarding the information exposed

Friday, December 13, 2013

Spanish Justice Resolution: Economic Hole in the Electric System must be paid by Utilities

Today 13th December 2013, the Spanish Justice rules:

 The hole of more than 26.000 M€ must be paid by the 5 most important Utilities in Spain: Endesa, Gas Natural Fenosa, Iberdrola, E.ON and HC (Hidrocantabrico).

This hole is a product of; the incoming of the complete management of the Electric System are lower than the cost.
In this complete systems is; the REE (Red Eléctrica de España), the Electric System Operator with the Transmission System, the 5 most important Utilities for the Distribution System, enunciated on the Top, and the Feed in Tarif for the Renewable Energies.
(For more technical details, please visit in the Blog: Australia stares down an Electricity "Death Spiral"

This Judgement Resolution makes a point of inflexion in the Spanish Electric Market, because the Utilities are not going to make any investment in the Spanish Electric System in the next years and in consequence, the end customer will suffer time by time more difficulties in the Electrical Supply.

I don't know what is the point of view of the Electric Systems suppliers, if there was any hope for increasing expectatives for 2014 in the Power Systems, may be it is too late but, I think it is moment for making "adjustements" in the Profit Plant of 2014, and may be increasing UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) portfolio...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Australia stares down an Electricity "Death Spiral"

This fantastic analysis explains the process which, it seems starts in Australia, unfortunately this is well known in Spain.

When the Electricity demand gets down, is not happening the same with the price of Electricity. In a normal business we have competence (retail business etc), some companies must faith for getting the customer, and of course get "the Customer Loyalty" giving a high quality support.
But what happens with Transmission and Distribution Electric Network Companies, the situation is very different, the real situation is: in the meanwhile the demand is falling down the customer are paying more and more for the Electricity Bill. 

In the article expose the case in Australia but in Spain was the same. 
In Spain, the consequence is nearly to the cost of 30.000 M€ (a little bit more of 26.000) at the end of this year. And only not increasing for the finish of Feed in Tarif to the PV industry during this year. We will see next year 2014.
During the Real State boom until 2008, the investment by REE (Spanish Operator) in Transport infrastructure and by the Utilities in AC Power Infrastructure for distribution systems was great. Nowadays, the demand has decrease strongly and as a result, the end customer, State, Renewable Energies (reduction of Feed in Tarif) and Utilities (Goverment law) must pay these great bill. 

Mr. Wood propose three reforms:

To reduce electricity costs, the AER (Australia Energy Regulator) needs to set rates of return for network businesses that are consistent with the low risks of a natural monopoly. It should also implement more regular capital forecast reviews to ensure the businesses are spending an appropriate amount on infrastructure.

The second reform would be to move towards network tariffs that reflect the costs that consumers place on the network. Since it is peak demand, rather than consumption, that is the major driver of those costs, a move towards peak demand tariffs would be sensible.

The third, and most difficult, action would be to explicitly review the value of the network infrastructure already installed and paid for by consumers. Falling demand means that network users no longer need all the infrastructure and would not want to keep paying for it.

Monday, December 9, 2013

IBM's Cloud Platform for Indian Renewable Energies

Great system for integrating in Cloud computing all information from Wind Farm production and cross this information with meteorological information with application for all Renewable Energies which great dependence of weather conditions.

The next application, crossing and analyzing all this information regarding production and weather conditions information, it could be a forecasting of the production.

But even is possible an step forward, with the possibility for giving directly to the customer the production in their ERP systems in economical result, giving the economic information of the safe minimal production in the Bottom-line balance.
By this way, the investor has the possibility for managing their cash flow, because has cash for internal needs, and then, improving the ROI of the global project.

El Ministro de Industria, Sr.: Soria, indica: Los fondos de Renovables que han denunciado a España querían rentabilidades del 20%

El Ministro de Industria, el Sr. Soria indica que no puede existir ningún negocio que se asegure un 20% de rentabilidad, como tampoco puede ser para las renovables, son sus palabras y la de los Servicios Jurídicos del Estado Español.

No sé si estará en lo cierto, cada uno tiene su opinión, pero lo cierto es que ha España no ha llegado ningún inversor de Renovables desde el estallido, de la "modificación", de la remuneración del "Régimen Especial", por algo será.

Es cierto que algunas políticas del pasado no fueron apropiadas con ciertas tarifas a la producción en Régimen Especial, y que si en un inicio lo fueron deberían haber tenido ajustes a nivel paulatino, a medida que dichas tecnologías adquirían mayor rendimiento y por tanto, una reducción de dichas tarifas.
Ahora es demasiado tarde para cambiar todo, pero lo que si que es cierto es que España se enfrenta a un pleito por parte de ciertos inversores en el Tribunal del Banco Mundial (Fondos internacionales RREEF y Antin a través de Deutsche Bank y BNP) por la reducción de dichas tarifas en la Termosolar, puesto que como es lógico, no se pueden cambiar las reglas del juego una vez aprobadas, puesto que si hubiera sido así, posiblemente no existiría dicha inversión. Los propios inversores ya no hablan de la Fotovoltaica, sino de la Termosolar, que como es sabido, todavía está en fase de "incubación" tecnológica.

En mi opinión, y por desgracia, España ha quedado como el país ejemplo de como no se deben hacer las cosas, y creo que es así. Podemos estar de acuerdo o no, pero que le pregunten a millones de españoles por que no se cambian las reglas del juego ante el problema de las hipotecas, cuando sabemos que el valor de dichas viviendas ya no es el que se plasmo en su día, pero con ..... hemos topado

Noticia completa

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Endesa's new bidirectional charging Point Halve Charging/Discharging time

Endesa has developed their firs V2G (Vehicle to Grid) CHAdeMO EV Charger

The systems offers the possibility to charge the EV and also to integrate the electricity into the Electric Grid from a EV.

It seems the Utility companies think in a EV charger with integrate electricity technology. From that point it gets a lot of question by my side.

First of all, how will be the data network infrastructure for controlling all this EV charge points, for knowing demand response, for the forecasting of generation by Utility or Electric System Operator. I think it is not possible only with Ethernet cable or optic fiber, I consider very expensive with the high number of points in the future, but it will be a challenge. Why, because there is no possibility to use only one physical layer or system. I think wireless will be great in a open parkings like you can see on picture, but what is going to hapen in underground parkings, may be solution it will be PLC (Power Line Communication) and may be other possibilities, but of course the complexity for managing all the complete system in future with thausend of this EV charger in the cities, it will be a challenge.

What is great would be the possibilities and the complexity for the total integration of the control for all this EV charger the day of tomorrow. It is clear if the Utilities spend more resources in a more complex EV charger, with possibility to integrate electricity, it has one, or more, reasons. May be the possibility for integrating this electricity from the EV to the Grid in case of emergency, in case of, for whatever situation, meterological or "others" situation which can be a complex situation for the Utility's Customer, or get a dangerous situation for the Critical Infraestructure and it is necessary electricity resources. In the most of cases, the main generation for supplying cities are not close to this cities, then whatever problem in the transport Power lines or any substation in the city and create those issues.

Then, this EV charge with possibility to integrate electricity is going to give respons in that cases, with the integration of the electricity from the EV to the grid. May be  it seems not available, but with the high number of EV can be parked in the future "Smart Cities", why not can be a solution for any issue of Power Supply coming from the Utilities, Critical Infrastructure or transportation.

The challenge it will be Network Infrastructure for controlling all this EV charge with electric integration.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lunar Solar Power Generation - The most incredible project of Solar Energy coming from Japan

One project is thinking to produce Energy in the Moon

Shimizy Corporation proposes the LUNA RING for the infinite coexistence of manking and the Earth

Enel anuncia Plantas Solares en el marco de licitación de Chile

Se trata del primer anuncio de Plantas Solares que suministrarán electricidad en el marco de una licitación en el mercado regulado en Chile y con financiación propia de Enel

Noticia Completa LATAM PV Magazine

Monday, December 2, 2013

Octocopter Amanzon: A Revolution in Logistic Industry

Amazon presents the revolutionary new way for shiping low weight package from bulk point to final user.

The revolutionary system can deliver packaging even in 30 minuts from the last bulk point in the supply chain to the end consumer. Of course, the system works with electric motors.

If this systems are working with electric motors, and then with electric batteries, of course, with the high number of devices "flying" every day for our skies, companies like Amazon is going to use Renewable Enegies for reducing the cost of operation.

It will be the first time, one logistic process will use electricity for shiping, the owner of Amazon knows with this implementation the cost of electricity it will be almost 0 (only the cost of O&M of the Farm and the "Octocopter") after the ROI of the PV or Wind Farm.

Of course, this new application will reduce and make a revolution on the logistic industry which the possibility for being implemented in thousend of applications, all of them supplies by electricity coming from Sun or Wind, cost 0 in raw material.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Electric vs Hydrogen: A Chinese battleground

Chinese Authorities knows it is necessary to find a solution for the pollution in their congested and bustling cities, and regarding mobility, of course the Electric and Hydrogen mobility is going to get the solution.

The question is, which is going to be better. It seems the Hydrogen will get more autonomy, even the Toyota is going to sell in 2015 a Hydrogen car (see picture) with 136HP and 500km of autonomy (on a single fillup). Regarding Electric vehicle, the idea it seem will be covering small cars for cities, but on both cases, China has not a great implementation of the electric charging or hydrogen fuelling stations.
Other countries like Norway, Tesla and Nissan are in a full competition for being the top selling monthly car (just as information: Norway Top sales: Tesla Model S in September and Nissan LEAF in October).

Of course, it will be necessary to make and study in detail about what is it happening in Norway for achieving this EV implementation, but I think China will have other situation.
China has a very big cities where the implementation of the EV needs a great investment for the electric charging, and at the same time with the hydrogen fuelling stations for Fuel Cells Vehicles.

Would be in China the solution of electric stations which  operates OFF GRID?, it could be a solution for implementing PV plants with storage systems which charge during the day (generations hours) and load the electric vehicles during night with no Grid integration, and then, saving the cost of investment the complete electric infrastucture and also, the inconvenience of the high level of harmonics whichs is generation electric stations, and of course, the implementation for getting a solution for this harmonics.

On the other hand, we will see a future where PV or wind farms in country areas generates the electricity for electric charging and for producing hydrogen to supply to the fuelling stations?


La provincia Cubana de Pinar del Rio acogerá una planta de 2.5MW

La Central Solar que podría ser ampliada posteriormente a 15MW, forma parte de los planes cubanos de impulsar las plantas a gran escala.

Cuba, la isla caribeña, con una población de 11 millones de habitantes, puso en marcha en 2006, un ambicioso plan energético buscando una solución a sus problemas de suministro debidos a una disposición de plantas Termoeléctricas con más de 25 años de antigüedad, las cuales funcionaban un 60% y provocaban cortes de suministro, sobretodo en momentos de máxima demanda, en horas pico.
Antes de la puesta en marcha de dicho plan energético, en Cuba, el consumo energético era básicamente de productos derivados del petróleo y el gas.
El plan Energético, denominado en Cuba, como "La Revolución Energética", se basaba en 5 puntos:

  1. Eficiencia Energética
  2. Incremento de la disponibilidad y fiabilidad de la Red Eléctrica Nacional (mermada en muchos casos por los huracanes)
  3. Incorporación de las Energías Renovables en el "mix" de generación
  4. Incremento de la exploración y producción de gas y petróleo a nivel local
  5. Cooperación Internacional
La apuesta del Gobierno Cubano en torno a las energías renovables parece que va encontrando su camino. Creo que la pregunta que muchos nos hacemos, es que pasará cuando el régimen, que algún día llegará, abra las puertas a la democracia y por tanto, a la inversión, está claro que Cuba puede tener una gran oportunidad en establecer un marco importante en términos de sostenibilidad, en cuando a la gestión de su recurso energético, y más concretamente eléctrico. Dicha oportunidad es más complicada en paises que ya tomarón sus decisiones, y cambiarlas requiere mucha inversión y tiempo. 
Cuba empieza de cero, pero será para bién o para, no tan bién... 


Véase comunicado de Renewableenergyworld en abril de 2009, cuando empezaba a evaluarse los frutos del plan energético "La Revolución Cubana"


Solarworld adquiere producción solar de Bosch en Alemania

Solarworld AG aquiere producción Solar de la filial de Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch Solar Energy AG) en el denominado "Solar Valley" del este de Alemania, creando la filial denominada Solarworld Industries GmbH

Dichas plantas se centran en, producción de células; con una producción que ronda los 700MW, y de módulos; rondando una capacidad de 200MW de producción anual.

La pregunta es clara, es un paso más o el último en la reconversión del sector en Europa y más concretamente en Alemania, en una zona que realizó inversiones importantes en la Solar Fotovoltaica antes de la crisis (llegándose a denominar el "Solar Valley"), y que ve como la producción se concentra cada día más ante competencias (en algunos casos hasta desleales).


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Apple 100% renewable solar Headquarter in Cupertino

Apple will have a Headquarter 100% powered by Renewable Energies in Cupertino, south San Francisco Bay Area.

The new building will combined on-site fuel cells and use of grid-purchased renewable energy during peak hours, at the same time, the new manufacturing plant in Mesa, Arizona, would also be powered by 100% renewable energies, solar panels and geothermal power source on site.

It seems two big companies of new technologies bet for renewable energies (Google and Apple)...

El agujero Eléctrico alcanza los 4.632 M€ hasta el tercer trimestre en el acumulado anual (Q3/13 YTD)

Parece que se empieza a controlar el agujero Eléctrico español, puesta que existía una desviación negativa hasta junio, en el acumulado anual, realmente está controlado o corresponde al fin de las primas de las Fotovoltaicas puesto que han cumplido el máximo número de horas primadas del año...


Friday, November 22, 2013

IEEE Approves Standard Supporting Low-frequency, Narrowband PLC and Smart-Grid

IEEE approves the updated version of 1901three years later of the first version.

Designed to specify secure PLC at data rates up to 500kbps and at transmission frequencies of less than 500kHz for applications, IEEE 1901.2 addresses low-frequency, narrowband PLC over low-voltage lines of less than 1000V between transformer and meter, through transformer low-voltage to medium-voltage (1000V up to 72kV) and through transformer medium-voltage to low-voltage power lines in both urban and in long-distance (multi-kilometer) rural communications.

Will achieved this standard the technical conditions for taking off smart grids communications by Power Lines with the properly Quality of Service (QoS)?


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

skytron energy ensures 115 MWp dispatchable power from Romanian solar power plants

Skytron energy is one member of AEG PS

The skycontrol power plant controller provides closed-loop active and reactive power control and meet the special requirements of the Romanian grid system. The requirement for power feed direct by local dispatchers and the need for frequency support by providing balancing power, are now mandatory in Romania

For balancing power, the controller adapts the active power feed into the grid in response not only to changes in the grid frequency, but also with respect to the photovoltaic power plant can generate at that instant. This requieres calculating the available PV power on the basis of the plant status information provided by skytron's real-time condition monitoring system. This frequency stabilization function is unique in that it has been implemented without the need for expensive energy storage facilities. This is a first for photovoltaic power generation.

Forecast of Electricity demand and consumption trend in the next decades

Forecasting Report of U.S. eia 

Solar Growth Outpaces Wind for First Time

Great news for Industry in a complete transformtion.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


New sollutions of AEG PS for Battery Energy Storage on and off-grid. Great solution for avoiding great investments in Electricity transport for Mining Industry.


AEG PS Energy storage off-grid solutions for Mining Industry

Alstom gets into HVDC offshore substations as Siemens and ABB

Alstom gets into HVDC offshore substations as Siemens and ABB

Reducing losses in the Electricity transport in long distance; great application for Offshore Wind Energy


Example of Alstom HVDC Offshore Substation applied for transport Electricity to Mainland

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Submarine cable

NSW, a subsidiary of General Cable - Application for Offshore and Submarine industry (Oil & Gas - Wind Offshore)


Telecommunication Cable:
  1. Submarine
  2. Offshore
Power Cable:
  1. Submarine Power Cable 
  2. Winding Cable
Cables Examples:

Offshore Cable

Submarine Cable Power

Umbilical Cable

SCADA IDbox (Great applications for all industries)

New SCADA IDbox with applications in all kind of industries (See live Demo)


with partners:
Neolant (Russian - Oil & Gas Industry): http://neolant.com/
Tersys (Russian - Automation Industry ) http://www.tersys.ru
Ensa (Spanish - Nuclear Industry) http://www.ensa.es
Indra (Spanish - IT Infrastructure Industry) http://www.indracompany.com

Synoptic exemples:

Electric Substation

Nuclear Reactor

Oil Extraction 
 Oil Tank 
 Thermo Solar Power (Parabolic)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

vmware - Server Virtualization

vmware - Server Virtualization

Can get the Server infraestructure easier for management and reparing, reliable, and get less physical server, getting of course, energy efficiency and money saves.

- Independence from Network hardware
- Total reproduction of the physical server
- Compatible with any Hipervision platform
- Emulation of every individual configuration before implementation

seminar in spanish for introducing to this Server virtualization.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Cybersecurity in Critical Infraestructure

BIA's: Business Impact Analysis in Power Plant (regarding all points concern the Plant) .

Regarding IT Systems:
Security Auditories:

  1. Studying of Network and Systems:
    1. Footprinting by Nmap for identifying Network System and Ports.
    2. Host Scanning: Nmap Host Scanning / Nmap Port Scanning
  2. Identification of OS and Application
    1. Fingerprinting
  3. Vulnerabilities by Nessus
**** All test has to be done in a Virtual System ***

More information in CNPIC: Centro Nacional Protección Infraestructuras Críticas

Intgration of Renewable Energies with high intermittency

The Power Generation by Renewable Energies integrated in Electric Grid is increasing day by day.
Therefore, the Utilities are demanding more accurate Control of the Generation Plant:
-MTR (Minimal Technical Requirements) in the POI (Point of Interconection):
- Access for the Utility interconection with the Plant, for knowing in every moment what is the situation, in terms of generation (Quality of Wave, assurance MTR) and the possibility for disconnection of the Plant, which can get serious damages for the complete Electric System, making a variation of the frequency in the Complete Electric System.
- Necessity for stablishing a PPC (Power Plant Controller) for getting the control of the plant, in terms of Voltage, Current and Power, having in consideration next points for non getting a disconnection of the Plant:

  1. Issues coming from the Electric Network: *LVRT (Low Voltage Ride Through),  HVRT (High  Voltage Ride Through) and ZVRT (Zero Voltage Ride Through). This Issues can affect the connectivity of the Plant if the Issues are greater than a determinated time.
  2. Power Control: Curtailment (Limitation of Power) and Ramp Rate (Variation of Geneation depending Wind or Sun).
For controlling all points commented it is necessary systems (software) which gives the possibility for controlling the plant, and not only for monitoring.

*LVRT (Low Voltage Ride Through): especially in Wind and PV farms, it is the ability to operate at low voltage levels, in terms of grid voltage supplying. It happens the same situation in big computer centers (Datacenter etc) which in cases of emergency (outages) are using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).

Considering this low voltage operation (LVRT) in Wind and PV farms, it has the possibility to induce in the disconnection of the one complete Wind Farm and at the same time, it is able to induce one serious issue in the Operation of the Electric System, because the disconnection, it is able to induce in cascade (cascading failure) the disconnection of other wind and PV farms due to low voltage. 

PS: Consider forecasting systems of energy yield in Wind and PV Farm more necessary such as minimum condition, in terms of information, in point of interconnection in future, even being one condition in some states.

Figure 1_ Example of Wind Turbine in Tarragona_source: Javier Sanchez Rios

V KNX Congres in Barcelona (La Salle University)

Last 26th & 27th June V KNX Congres in Barcelona in La Salle University.

KNX: The Standard for Domotics/Inmotics.

KNX: Garantees Interoperability & Interworking of Products.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Seminar software Energy Management Circutor_ Power Studio, Power Studio SCADA & Power Studio SCADA Deluxe

Circutor Seminar on 30th May in Circutor Headquarter in Viladecavalls (Barcelona)

Software for Energy Management by Circutor:
Power Studio SCADA Deluxe:
- Integration of all kind of metering (water & gas)
- Billing and energy analysing
- Possibility for extracting data in excel by a ".csv" document
- XML Server for a Remote Control (Editor)
- Modbus TCP and RTU (possibility for integrating different devices from Circutor by a different Gangway)
- Integration to OPC Server (necessity to stay integrated the motor and Server in the same PC), editor can            by allocated in other PC

3 - E Houses: ICT solutions for Energy Effiency in Residential Buildings

3 - E Houses Conference:  22th and 23rd May in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

Implementation of three test in different residential buildings in Spain, Germany and UK for Energy Management where some companies implement their technology for implementing technologies in diverse pilots.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

OPC Technology by Matrikon

OPC Technology allows the interoperability of the different vendor protocols, for multiple applications as:
- DCS (Distributed Constrol System)
- Building Automation
- Telemetry SCADA
- Turbine controller

Friday, May 17, 2013

iGrid T&D_ Monitoring substation

DEMO for Monitoring substation by SCADA _  iGrid T&D

EMIEL Smart Metering system by INDRA

EMIEL Smart Metering system by Indra

Possibility for connecting from end user to the secundary substation by different types of communication systems giving total reliability of communication.


DEXMA Energy Management Software

Last Friday 23rd October 2015, it was celebrated the 1st DEXMA Energy Management Summit in Barcelona. 
Different partners of DEXMA have shown their experiences with the DexmaTech software to manage Energy Efficiency projects.

I would like to remark the presentation of Steven Fawkes. He exposed the necessity to implement a standardization of the Energy Efficiency projects, as it happens with Oil & Gas or Wind Power Industry by project finance (e.g.: CSP). 
Mr. Fawkes said, Energy Efficiency projects need to get a properly financial tool, a tool recognized for the financial institutions. 
The member of National Energy Foundation and member of Investment Committee exposed, ESCO, is not the financial tool to develop Energy Efficiency projects, just for not having an standardization, and in consequences, not being recognized by the financial institutions. 

The financial institutions need to work with standardization's tools for getting the required audits, and in consequences, the trust of the investors.

Figure 1_One slide of the presentation of Mr. Fawkes during Energy Management Summit in Barcelona. It is feasible to see the colours of the different pieces of the puzzle, and in red colour the piece of the standardization_source: J. Sánchez Ríos.

J. Sánchez Ríos


Great conference today 16/05/2013 in Par BCN Nord with the Company of Energy Management Software DEXMA

Energy Management Software; billing, submetering HVAC and lighting systems, water, electric, gas metering, reports consumption and payback information.

Smart City Expo Barcelona november 2013


Friday, May 10, 2013

INTEGRIS conference in Barcelona

Conference for exposing the conclusions of the INTEGRIS project in Barcelona (09.05.2013).
Where expose the conclusions of the studies and field test regarding management for Electric systems.



INTEGRIS is a novel and flexible ICT system, based on the
integration of Power Line Communications and Wireless
Sensor Networks technologies, able to completely and
efficiently fulfill communication requirements for future
Smart Grids:
-Control of distributed energy resources
-Demand side management
-Advanced Meter Infrastructure
-Advanced Automation
INTEGRIS provides an integration framework able to reach
any device in a smart grid.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

OMICRON: Pruebas de protecciones por IEC 61850

Webimar de OMICRON, sobre "Pruebas de Protección con IEC 61850" en Castellano


OMICRON: empresa dedicada a desarrollar equipos para el testeo de los sistemas de protección en la industria Eléctrica. Utilizan software propio, incluso para verificar las comunicaciones GOOSE (IED Scout).

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Power Line Communication for controlling protection systems in Distributed Energy Resources

PLC for controlling Protection systmes for DER (INTEGRIS):
G3 PLC as a possibilities for getting the reliability and low latency communication in PLC.

G3 PLC, a PLC communication system which has the possibility for establishing the connection in powerline grid with the ability for crossing transformers, with high speed, high reliability and cost reduced (in IPv6).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Curso Circutor_ Armónicos en la red eléctrica

Seminario de Armónicos (Cirutor):
Después de la asistencia, el pasado viernes 15 de febrero, al seminario sobre Armónicos en la Empresa Circutor, realmente  muy interesante, habría que resumir la información en los siguientes puentos:
1_ Es difícil estipular los costes económicos de los armónicos, puesto que hasta que no haya sucedido algo realmente, susceptible de un análisis en profundidad, incluso en términos de la seguridad, nadie, desde un punto de vista técnico-económico, examina los ahorros hasta que ya se ha materializado una afección grave, despreciando los denominados; "eventos", una situación de mala calidad de onda, ya sea por armónicos, picos, caídas, etc.  que ocasiona en la mayor parte de los casos afecciones en los sistemas electrónicos de control, tal y como experimenté durante mis años de Product Service Expert en Whirlpool Iberia, donde en muchos casos recibia demandas de Técnicos los cuales en ciertos puntos geográficos, sobre todo en zonas rurales, los microondas o lavadoras no funcionaban correctamente durante largos períodos de tiempo, y las cuales era simplemente necesario realizar un reseteo o simplemente una programación de los módulos de control electrónicos, siendo, sin ninguna duda las perturbaciones en la onda eléctrica la responsable de dichas afecciones.
2_Por desgracia para el conjunto del sistema eléctrico, la proliferación de las cargas eléctricas con componentes electrónicos;  rectificadores, variadores de frecuencia, convertidores, electrodomésticos, iluminación y demás aparatos conectados a la red eléctrica, los cuales no disponen de un comportamiento lineal, por tanto, una intensidad absorbida divergente de una forma de onda senoidal, aumentan la proliferación de los armónicos en la red eléctrica, siendo estos a efectos prácticos, pura contaminación eléctrica, y volcada, como no a la red eléctrica.
3_En términos de armónicos, nos deberemos de preocupar de armónicos impares, puesto que son los que afectan a los sistemas de corriente alterna, siendo los pares, los que afectan a sistemas de corriente continua, afectando en su caso, al sistema eléctrico ruso, el cual funciona con corriente continua, el resto prácticamente en su totalidad, por lo menos en Europa y América son sistemas de corriente alterna, indiferentemente de la tensión y frecuencia nominal.
Debemos considerar los armónicos para cargas monofásicas, teniendo en cuenta el tercer armónico, y debido generalmente a PC's, iluminación etc, los cuales al disponer de componentes electrónicos, no responden a un comportamiento lineal, y siendo por ello, muy difícil,  identificar el comportamiento de su corriente, y en el caso que más afección tiene, a la tensión del circuito, que al variar dicha tensión, varia las impedancias.
Para entender la repercusión y proliferación de los armónicos, en el seminario se indicó, que es igualmente necesario disponer, en la instalación eléctrica, de una línea de cableados correctamente trenzados, puesto que cualquier separación entre el cableado de una misma línea, ya era proclive a generar un campo eléctrico por generar una inductancia por la separación de dichos cableados.
4_En cuanto a la realización de las mediciones oportunas para la determinación del nivel de armónicos que disponemos en nuestras instalaciones, debemos considerar que al realizar una medida de los armónicos, el armónico fundamental, en términos de amperaje, representa la corriente ideal que la instalación debería soportar, del resto de armónicos, todo lo que se disponga que no sea el periodo fundamental de la onda, expresa la corriente generada por los armónicos que está soportando mi instalación y que se debería mitigar.
Nótese que la potencia de una instalación es la suma de la potencia activa, la potencia reactiva y la potencia distorsionante, esta última la provocada por los armónicos. Respecto a esto cabe señalar, a diferencia de otros países de nuestro entorno, donde, en primer lugar se habla de contratación de potencia aparente, y no de potencia activa, como el caso de España, y además, de determinar como el cos ϕ y no el factor de potencia, puesto que el factor de potencia incorpora la potencia reactiva compensada, mientras que el cos ϕ, ya incorporaría la compensación de la potencia reactiva y la minimización de los armónicos.
5_Referente a los efectos de los armónicos
Cabe señalar que estos armónicos fuera del armónico fundamental provocan; sobrecargas, sobredimensionamiento y posibilidad, en los casos más extremos, de retorno de dichas corrientes por el neutro, sobretodo relacionadas con el tercer armónico, teniendo en cuenta que, generalmente, el diseño en términos de sección de cableado del neutro, es menor que la de las propias fases, y por ello, más vulnerable a cualquier situación crítica. Considerar que en los conductores, cuanto mayor sea la frecuencia, el conductor tiende a ser propiamente el conductor en su parte más externa, y en su parte central puede llegar a producirse un efecto prácticamente de impedancia, este efecto es denominado efecto "Skin".
Como ejemplo, la normativa  británica que obliga a que las instalaciones eléctricas dispongan de un neutro, en algunos casos con el doble de sección del que se dispone en las fases.
Este apunte de la normativa británica, es debido a que en el momento que no se disponga del neutro, corte por sobretensión, se anula el circuito monofásico y pasamos a un circuito trifásico, si las cargas de dicho sistema trifásico, puesto que dicho sistema monofásico proviene de un sistema trifásico, no están equilibradas, la mayoría de los casos, son las cargas las que deben asumir la absorción de las corrientes que deberían retornar por el neutro, en ese caso, se produce lo denominado como neutro en flotación, siendo en la práctica, que dicha carga, que mientras se disponía del neutro, se alimentaba a 220 V, ahora con la ausencia del neutro debe asumir la alimentación del circuito trifásico, siendo esta tensión de 380 V, siendo esta una tensión mucho más elevada.
Los efectos de los armónicos en los condensadores, utilizados para compensar las potencias reactivas, , en primer lugar se entienden cuando existe un aumento de la frecuencia, por los armónicos, esto desencadena una disminución de la impedancia de los condensadores, generando un aumento de la tensión en bornes del condensador y su destrucción si dicha tensión se eleva por encima del permitido por el condensador. Por otro lado, considerar, lo denominado como frecuencia de resonancia, esta frecuencia de resonancia se puede dar cuando el cos ϕ en el sistema está muy lejos del cos ϕ = 0.8. A la vez, considerar que también se da esta situación de frecuencia de resonancia cuando la impedancia inductiva es muy cercana en valor a la impedancia capacitiva y viceversa.
Se puede considerar a efectos prácticos, y simplemente como apunte, aunque  se debe determinar cada caso en particular, que el valor de la Tasa de Distorsión Armónica (THD) en tensión, si supera el 3 o 5 %, se debe considerar este límite como un margen de seguridad que no se debería traspasar.
Los efectos de los armónicos en los transformadores se pueden generalizar en pérdidas por efecto Joule, debido a que tenemos un aumento de la corriente, y al mismo tiempo en el hierro, independientemente que se dispongan de hierros laminados.
En los motores las consecuencias de los armónicos son, en primer lugar, del mismo modo que en los transformadores, al estar compuestos del mismo modo de devanados, en pérdidas por efecto Joule, también de pérdidas magnéticas y vibraciones en el motor que afectan a su vida útil, por crear mayor fatiga en cojinetes reduciendo, estos efectos a largo plazo, el par entregado por el motor, para ello se recomiendo que no exista un desequilibrio de fases no muy elevado, que no supere el 2 - 3 %.
6_Para el filtrado de los armónicos, se utilizan dos tipos de filtros, filtros activos y filtros pasivos, aunque este es un punto en el que se debe considerar muchos aspectos que debo profundizar y que debo seguir instruyéndome.
Los filtros pasivos se componen básicamente de colocar bobinas y condensadores para mitigar la frecuencia de resonancia para reducir el factor de THD.
Los filtros activos realizan una compensación en corriente de los propios armónicos en fase o contrafase, aunque se debe vigilar , puesto que disponemos estas corrientes en las cargas.